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14 Years of Criminal Minds 2005-2019 thank you for the memories signature shirt
So, live. Life is more than just breathing in and out. It's about making decisions, and some bad ones. It's about running to achieve, and...

Baby Pokemon Pikachu and Deadpool shirt
We’d already been pretty good friends, but discovering our common type sealed us as close friends. Neither of us had ever had a best...

Why I’m not a republican I’m not greedy and I’m not a traitor shirt
Well, lets talk about those two activities. You see, I grew up running randomly through the woods with no weapons and even less cares for...

Sunflower You are my sunshine Avengers shirt
Why, you went hunting with them. You have chosen to participate in the act. If it is sin to eat meat for you, and you participate, then...

Marvel girl power Avengers Endgame shirt
Practice is essential to shooting well. A beginning hunter should shoot hundreds of rounds with a .22 rifle before hunting season. With...

I never received my letter to hogwarts so I’m going hunting with the winchesters shirt
When I started my “Little Brother” hunting, he had a tendency to shoot too much and to shoot poorly. I remedied this by giving him just...

12 years the Big Bang Theory thank you for the memories shirt
I hope you understand this, as it does fit the debate everyone has as to how can a all loving God send someone to hell? Well, Swedenborg...

Straight outta patience flair pens glue sticks copies shirt
Those that enjoy righteous things ascend and those that are desirous for selfish reasons descend. There is no judgement. If you are found...

Warning this nurse loves her pen so please don’t steal it shirt
I believe, that religion should be kept withing the doors and places of worship and should not be peddled in the political spectrum. The...

Just a good social worker with a hood playlist shirt
Is the above based on religion or political ideology? Are the Christians still captives of Congress policy of appeasement rather than...
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