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Being an Aunt and godmother makes my life complete shirt
Nobody could look at me and be able to guess that I was a drug addict who did so much shooting up that I owned an actual sharps container...

Men are like beer some go down better than others shirt
I didn't have track marks because I'd inject into places that wouldn't leave marks as easily like in between my fingers and toes. I don't...

Do I look like a fucking people person shirt
I still have all my teeth and they're nice and white and besides the normal wear and tear my skin isn't scarred by picking or broke out...

Once a social worker always a social worker no matter where you go or what you do shirt
As you can see I look like a healthy person and above average looking for my age group in terms of youthful appearance. Buy this shirt:...

Dads don’t babysit it’s called parenting shirt
I’d inject a gram of meth or sometimes more into my body at least once a day, but often twice. I also injected coke and heroin...

Step aside cinderella there’s a new princess in town shirt
She was going to be married in our back yard under this beautiful redbud tree. She spoke with my hubby and i and asked if she could...

Once upon a time I was sweet and innocent then I started working as a Pharmacy Tech shirt
I guess he thought she would be exstatic to hear from her. Anyway, she was honest, polite and brutal at the same time and she let him...

Happy father’s day to my amazing step dad thanks for putting up with my mom shirt
These may seem like two rather nasty things to add, but I secretly think that given how hard it is to provide a experience in business...

Stitch Pikachu Toothless kid shirt
Given the small amount of 'real estate' on any mobile device, the time that the user spends staring at it, and the highly personal nature...

Official Sloth in pocket shirt
I always had a toothbrush with me. I used the plastic bags from the MRE combat rations to protect the brush from dirt. You get used to...
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