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Cleveland Browns Shotgun formation shirt
If I am leaning towards them and instead of matching me, the person leans away, it is likely he or she wants space from me and/or may not...

Chappelle Show Is Wayne Brady Gonna Have To Choke A Bitch shirt
I chose to do my PhD dissertation on non-verbal behavior. I did a research project that looked at how gender and dominance levels...

Bret Michaels 35th anniversary 1983 2018 shirt
One of the things that drew me to Gestalt therapy is that it is wholistic. We pay attention to the body as well as the mind. We recognize...

Backstreet Boys Vintage 90’s Music shirt
I have always been interested in nonverbal behavior, especially those situations in which people’s nonverbal behavior contradicts the...

Hawkins power and light Stranger Road Stranger Things shirt
He does the exam and is very rough and acts like I'm just wasting his time. Then, while I'm bleeding on the table, mourning the death of...

Chicago Cubs Friends TV show shirt
I would have gone to the ER. Then, after getting some bloodwork results back that show I had lost alot of blood and was severely anemic...

Blain Predator I ain’t got time to bleed vintage shirt
I told him what happened and he tried to convince me to go to the ER, but in my still fuzzy brained state, I played it down, thinking if...

50 years of Monty Python 1969 2019 signature shirt
Still in shock and not thinking right, I carried out the rest of my day like normal, but going through pads like crazy. I put the kids to...

08 years of Chicago Fire thank you for the memories shirt
I passed the baby in the bath- she was fully formed and looked very obviously human. I hemorrhaged, but was in too much physical and...

Same as it ever was vintage shirt
They were not happy when I told them my decision to marry. My father in fact started crying in front of my husband about who will look...
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