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Mike Judge get me off this hippie shirt
The cause of this was a severe strabismus in both eyes that I was born with. I had a great doctor when I was a kid who, through four...

Papa can’t fix stupid but he can fix what stupid does shirt
This is more of a curse than a blessing. When I move them independently of each other, it creates instant nausea. Also, it’s very...

Official Dogs make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt
It means nothing if you don’t animate that in your head. It means nothing to a person who has yet to study calculus. Calculus is a...

John Wayne the hell I won’t vintage shirt
Ditto electricity. But, if you place your finger on a live wire, you sense an electric shock? That is not electricity per se, but the...

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved Dogs and Horses it was me shirt
The internal world is the one known to ourselves where we interact with ourselves. No one else can tune into our internal thoughts thus...

Paint me green and call me a pickle because I’m done dillin’ with you shirt
The interpersonal world is made up of our social interactions with those around us. These are our daily conversations at home, with...

Darth Vader Dad I am your Daughter vintage shirt
For example, the many worlds interpretation says that an object has many possible positions, each realized in a different branch of the...

Heifer running team we’ll get there when we get there shirt
But the moment we ask what exists independent of measurement, we are shifting out of the domain of science per se, and into the domain of...

Being a dad is an honor being a papa is priceless vintage shirt
Einstein had no objection to the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, whose predictions were and are undisputed. He objected to...

58 year of Spider man 1962 2020 Tobey maguire Tom Holland shirt
I know it might be hard to believe, but it is possible to have fun without drinking! You can dance, you can laugh, you can talk until 3...
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