Walking Dead love Rick Grimes shirt
I love Walking Dead love Rick Grimes shirt. I will cry and mourn his character’s death. Call me crazy but It will be a sad day. Please join us tomorrow as we bid farewell to Rick Grimes at The Bayou Walking Dead Nights. We will also ending our Walking Dead Nights this Sunday. We thank you for all your support and love for this show but we feel that with Rick Grimes departure it is also time for some closure. That being said. We hope you can join us this Sunday for an epic night at The Bayou. We will be raffling off our last Replica Michonne Katana Sword as well as other cool Walking Dead prizes. Every drink gets you a chance to win . The more you order the better your chances of winning. Hope to See all the Walking Dead fans at The Bayou Sunday Night.

Buy this shirt: Walking Dead love Rick Grimes shirt
From: https://httshirt.com/