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Atticus Finch is as real a Shameless Santa claus christmas sweater. I seriously wish we could just snuff these shameless bastards. Cultivating new voters. A shameless political stunt ala Libous and Akshar. Perpetual campaign mode. “Wants, needs expectations”? Get a Santa Claus costume. Eliot Ness was a spy! Santa Claus is a burglar! Coordinated talking points intended to denigrate a fundamental aspect of law enforcement are transparently stupid and shameless. Liberals Exploit Santa Claus to Push the Global Warming Hoax on Kids. Shameless. For us we observe Today as JERUSALEM DAY grateful for the Wednesday December 6 Santa CLAUS Gift day of the year 2017. More I love the utterly shameless product placement in Santa Claus: The Movie. Proper christmassy.

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