Freddy Krueger is this Jolly enough Christmas sweater
I sold a car to a guy named Freddy Krueger is this Jolly enough Christmas sweater. That dude was funny as hell man! Kept on telling stories of people calling him at all hours of the night, telling him to get out of their dreams. Changed his phone number countless times too. Freddy Kruger is a real demonic entity that haunts kids in there sleep during rem sleep . Freddy Kruger is based off of a character called the HAT man that shows up in your sleep he causes sleep paralysis and many people have seen the hat man or the hooded man in their dreams this all traces back to ancient Egyptian mythology and. Just like the slender man. It’s based off a real evil entity that feeds off negativity from the sub conscious. This is some sick and perverted movie I understand most horror movies are.

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