Donald Trump Lock her up shirt
It is an invasion, they are safe now in Mexico Donald Trump Lock her up shirt for hand me outs. It will be an invasion when they do get here! Stop the invasion president! Good these horrible people need to be put in their place I’m sick of them saying anything they want . What happened to respect to others. Whatever happened to freedom of speech the world ain’t full of puppy dogs and unicorns. Can you imagine a young child in a classroom acting like Acosta? The teacher would give him/her time out or no recess! The teacher would always be wrong, even when it is caught on video happens on school buses all the time. It appears that Acosta may have some mental issues he needs to deal with. I’m very level headed and never ,ever had any mental issues but you on the other hand, may want to go and get yours checked out because you are definitely a few french fries short of a happy meal!
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