In the end I’m gonna be alright but it might take a hundred shirt
I believe that all the songs by Linkin Park say In the end I’m gonna be alright but it might take a hundred shirt damn they have such a deep meaning to me now chester was and always will be an incredible artist. God Bless Chester. My husband cries when we often listen to Linken Park late into the night. Chester Bennington, brings back high school memories. I started appreciating and loving this type of music because of them. For our iman that 1 we say muhammadarr rasulallah..he will be our iman holder for us pass the hell.salam. Why does it sound like Chester is singing through a bullhorn? What is that effect? That’s why I’m not a fan of cheno’s vocals. Sounds like a bad effect on every track. Linkin park had help so many through their music. It’s a shame that not 1 person could save him.
