Stitch Mouse ears and cold beers shirt
When I was a kid, much to the ire of my parents, I took a roll of duct tape and Stitch Mouse ears and cold beers shirt and built the Battleship Yamato from starblazers. This was back in 1979. It functioned both as the starship and if I turned it upside down it was a laser blaster. I played with that thing more than the stuff my parents bought for me. Always played with my pen in school as a spaceship. Bic erasable. The cap would separate for excursions. The pocket clip was the primary weapon. The eraser could detatch and become a bomb. Fun times. Not for my teacher though. As a kid I’d make objects into The the Phoenix from Battle of the Planets and the Space Battleship Yamato from Star Blazers. Imagination was key.

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