Once upon a time I picked up a Chihuahua Puppy and the rest is history shirt
Would I still be at home if I had Once upon a time I picked up a Chihuahua Puppy and the rest is history shirt? Rubbing my nose in what I did only made me ashamed that I had to go at all. There are books and obedience teachers that would have taught you how to teach me to go to the door. Would I still be at home if I hadn’t brought fleas into the house? I couldn’t get them off of me after you left me in the yard for days. Would I still be at home if you had taken the time to care for me and to teach manners to me? You didn’t pay attention to me after the first week or so, but I spent all my time waiting for you to love me. I just wanted to say thank you for being the best role model a girl could ask for.

From: https://usat-shirt.com/